Our team

  • Sanja KonCEO at Utrust

    Sanja is a digital executive, entrepreneur, investor and public speaker with extensive experience in delivering sustainable revenue growth both in multinationals and startups. All of her work is deeply rooted in her ideals of diversity, inclusion and continuous improvement.

    As the CEO at UTRUST, the leading European Web3 payment platform, Sanja is currently setting the groundwork for a future where crypto payments truly become a mainstream alternative to traditional methods

    Sanja served as an executive for PayPal, Vodafone, and eBay.

    Sanja has an excellent track record as a public speaker, influencer and investor, having spoken about her views on progress at many international conferences, with women’s rights and inclusion as strong linchpins.

  • Nicolas GhaffarianInstitutional Account Manager at Binance

    Institutional Account Manager, Binance Always passionate about Financial markets, Nicolas starts following the bitcoin rally of 2017 from the desks of Queen Mary University in London where he graduates with a Master in Investment Banking. After working in the Fixed Income Sales division of Banca IMI and Corporate Finance at Intesa Sanpaolo, decides to join Binance as one of the first EU based Institutional Account Managers in Europe. Today Nicolas helps Investment Managers, Hedge Funds, Prop Trading Firms, Large Corporates, Protocols and Fintechs accessing Binance best in class digital assets liquidity with an Institutional touch.

  • Yoni AssiaFounder & CEO at eToro
  • Sebastien BorgetCo-founder and COO of The Sandbox

    Sébastien Borget is the Co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, a unique virtual world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences using SAND, the main utility token of the platform. Passionate for blockchain technology, gaming and education, he is a very active speaker and evangelist on the opportunity Non-Fungible Tokens brings to gaming.

    Sebastien also became the President of the Blockchain Game Alliance in 2020, a non-profit organization of 150 key members of the industry.

  • Serena TabacchiDirector and Co-founder MoCDA, Museum of Contemporary Digital Art. Partnerships at The Sandbox and Cinello DAW®
  • Freddie NewLead Corporate Counsel at Curve
  • Andrew WhitworthPublic Affairs lead at Curve
  • Nicolas BertrandAdvisor, ex responsabile derivati Borsa Italiana e London Stock Exchange

    Nicolas is a senior executive specialised in market infrastructure and digital assets. He is involved in various businesses and innovative financial products related to tokenisation and blockchain.

    Nicolas held leadership positions in the exchange industry for London Stock Exchange and Borsa Italiana, the Italian Stock Exchange. Nicolas was the Head of Derivatives Markets and Commodities for Borsa Italiana (Euronext Group) and member of the Managing Committee until December 2021.

    Nicolas was an executive board member of Borsa Italiana until 2019, executive board member of Turquoise Global Holdings Ltd and non executive board member of FTSE International Ltd until the end of 2020. Prior to joining the exchange, Nicolas worked for Citibank and developed his expertise trading on a range of products and asset classes.

    Nicolas graduated in econometrics and holds a postgraduate degree in finance (DESS 203) from the Université Paris IX Dauphine.

  • Domenico Doronzo

    Dopo una decennale esperienza nel settore automotive, dove ho lavorato per le più importanti multinazionali del settore e ricoperto diversi ruoli di responsabilità, ho sentito l’esigenza di intraprendere nuove strade e nuove sfide. Nello stesso momento i mie progetti di investimento immobiliari, imprenditoriali e finanziari, sviluppati contestualmente al mio lavoro da dipendente mi avevano portato ad ottenere una rendita che mi permetteva di non essere più costretto a lavorare, ma di focalizzarmi solo su ciò che mi piace e mi appassiona. Ho così fondato il progetto di investimenti e divulgazione finanziaria chiamato Vivere di Dividendi, con il quale, insieme al mio team, ho l’ambizione di rendere la formazione finanziaria libera ed accessibile a tutti in maniera gratuita. Ogni giorno costruiamo la nostra vita, e come ci insegna Einstein nulla potrà mai cambiare se continuiamo a fare le stesse cose, quindi la mia missione è quella non solo di portare esempi concreti di cambiamento ma anche aiutare ed insegnare come metterlo in atto, nella vita, nel business e negli investimenti.

  • Silvia Bossio (Jones)

    Silvia Bossio, (Jones per gli amici) é una delle prime donne in Italia ad aver percepito e calvalcato l’ondata tecnologica Bitcoin e Blockchain.
    Ex imprenditrice, si avvicina alla nuova economia digitale alcuni anni fa e continua tutt’oggi a studiare, sviluppare idee e divulgarle. 
    Dal 2014, per hobby scrive articoli sull’innovazione dirompente e il blog dopo vari rebranding prende il nome di “The Timist”. 
    Da 3 anni si occupa di portare valore anche alla community italiana, ed é una delle Founder di Crypto Bar, un bar digitale dove l’obiettivo è quello di informare in maniera semplice gli aspetti che riguardano il settore tecnologico e progetti. 
    Il suo obiettivo è di dare il giusto taglio culturale e le basi per costruire una corretta analisi.